Gain Premium Access to Your Target Audience

HCI sponsorship offerings provide your organization with the opportunity to connect with buyers at multiple stages of their buying journey.

Contact Seth Agatstein at or 516-361-0501 to learn more about all HCI Sponsorship Opportunities.

Why HCI?

real time reporting

Real-Time Reporting

ongoing support

Ongoing Support

access to content creators

Access to Content Creators

industry insights

Industry Insights

our network

Our Network

Connect to Your Audience with HCI's Channels

Content Marketing

content marketing


Bolster your digital strategy with HCI’s content marketing engine.
Explore HCI's Sponsor Options


Market for specific leads with a Content Syndication Program. 
Learn More


Event Experiences

event experiences


Connect in person and contribute to the conversation at
HCI Conferences. Stay tuned for an AI + HR 1-Day Event this Fall!

Research Partnership

research partnership


Collaborative research projects that uncover new insights.
NEW! Quick Pulse Research Infographic and Talent Pulse Research Report Sponsor Opportunities

Want to learn how you can start connecting with the right buyers today?
(e.g., 800-555-5555)

Our Sponsors Include

What Our Sponsors Say About Us